Claudio Ferrarini Biography
Italian English German Spanish

His music is characterised by absolute virtuosity in solo flute, a fresh sound perceptibly suitable for -bel canto-   (beautiful singing).LA REPUBBLICA

Besides playing with transportation and scanned virtuosity, had movements of the person praying; anxious fauno ringing voice carries us into a rapture to the heart and the soul. USA TODAY

He debuted as soloist at Teatro Regio of Parma when he was 24, and then has performed with orchestras such as: Moscow Bolsohj Theatre Symphony Academy, Mozarteum Chamber Soloists, I Solisti Aquilani, Philharmonic Academy of Bellini Theatre in Catania, European Soloists, Ensemble of Venice, Symphony Orchestra of San Remo, Orchestra Sinfonica of State the Mexico, Soloists of the Comunale di Genova, Haydn Orchestra of Bruch, Stadtorchesterkonzert Leoben, Il Quartettone, Musica Insieme of Cremona, Kazakhstan State Orchestra, State Chamber Orchestra of Tirana, Grazer Synphonische Orchster. He has made concerts in prestigious theatres and music institutions all over Europe, North and South America, Israel, Cina, Russia, India, Japan, Australia: Carnegie Hall (Zankel Hall,Weill Recital Hall), United Nations Palace (ONU) in New York, Mozarteum in Saltsburg, St Martin in the Fields, Sotheby's Concerts in London, Gasteig Kleiner Konzertsaal Munchen, Gewandhaus Lipsia, Konzerthaus Berlino, Schloss Glienick Postdam,Stefaniensaales in Graz, Festival dei Due Mondi of Spoleto, Amici del Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Sala Verdi in Milan, Teatro Regio and Auditorium Paganini in Parma, Teatro G.Verdi of Busseto, Teatro Ghione, Valle di Roma (Rome, UNICEF event),Teatro Bobbiena in Mantova, Politecnico in Torino, Sala Bianca Palazzo Pitti of Firenze,Teatro Monumental de Madrid, Teatro Municipal de Rio, Teatro Leal de Tenerife and, in Japan, Salamanca Hall, Orange Hall, Kyoiku Bunka Hall, and Suntory Hall.

He has sold more than 850,000 CDs, and magazine Musica has written: Ferrarini’s sound is solid and well-timbred, with a singability that develops into relaxed virtuosity. His discography includes more than 150 CDs for Philips, Universal Music Group, Fonit Cetra, Warner Fonit Cetra, Arte Sonora, Europa Musica, Frequenz, Stradivarius, CNI, Aulia, Ozella Music, Koch, Limen, Mondo Musica, and he has won important international awards, such as the Globe of the American Records Guide (nine times). One of his performances has been included in the Multimedia Encarta Encyclopaedia by Microsoft, and he is one of the most popular European flutists in iTunes, with 180 CDs. His performances have been recorded by various radio and television companies (broadcast worldwide, too) such as ORF, ZDR, RSI, RAI, RADIO VATICANA, SDR, RTE, BBC, ALL India, LifeGate, LimenTvHD.

He has given recitals with: Magaloff, Demus, Cappello, Bolla, Giraud, Sollini, Levi Minzi, Wasser, Münch, Fujiki, Padova, Vetruccio, Bacchetti, Carunchio, Suzuki, Sandiford, Satukangas, Dingstad, Kogosowski, Gotoh, Nidi, Nocchiero, Issoglio, Tasini, Koopmann, Farina, Fontana, Costantini, Schulz, Stinton, Fabbriciani, Guo Yue, Rastelli, Chailly, Mildonian, Albisetti, Battigelli, O'Brien, Kliegel, Askin, Tchijik, Biondi, Williams, Stone, Segre, Piastra, Casadei, Zambelli, Huldt, Secco, Gasdia, Cappuccilli, Bruson, Terrani, Pastine, Dessi Boldyreva, Pertusi e con direttori come: Masur, Campori, Polidori, Guarino, Hochstasser, Houlihan, Zechner, Streicher, Tolcachair, Valeri, Piccone Stella, Pezzone, Sisillo. He has collaborated in theatre shows with actors such as Merli, Lavia, Nero, Placido, Charbonnier.

Besides his concert activity, he has carried out in-depth research on musicology, exploring the flute music repertoire in all its aspects, and dealing with an editorial series entitled Flutilitae (in collaboration with Mnemes - Alfieri & Ranieri Publishing), since 2009 is responsible for collection SlowFlute of flute for editions UT ORPHEUS from Bologna, and as the editorial director of series MUP musica (for MUP Editions, Parma).

He has collaborated with composers of our times, such as: Amighetti, Berio, Boulez, Berenguer, Baratello, Castaldi, Cage, Castiglioni, Corghi, Cesa, Cangemi, Chiari, Donatoni, Demus, Talmelli, Tosi, Nicolau ,Margola, Manzoni, Mannucci, Moretti, Nidi, Grisoni, Sciarrino, Stockhausen, Samori', O'Leary, Landini, Petrassi, Podio, Pettenati, Biscarini, Viola.

He was Principal Flute in the orchestra of Teatro Regio in Parma from 1976 to 1980, and has fully dedicated himself to the concert activity. He has won the Casella Contest of Citta' di Castello, and the First Prize at the Citta' di Stresa International Contest.

He is the artistic director of the Slowflute Festival of Parma. He has given masterclasses for academies and universities such as: Royal College of Music in London, Yamaha Ginza Centre in Tokyo, UBC School of Music University in Vancouver in Canada, Pittsburgh Duquesne University (USA), Musikschule of Bruch in Austria, Music University of Montevideo in Uruguay, University of San Paolo in Brazil, Stip Yniversity in Bitola Macedonia, Accademia Musicale Umbra of Perugia, Fivizzano, Sogliano al Rubicone, Canossa Master Classes in Reggio Emilia, International Courses in Cervo (IM), Master of Imola, European Union Meridaunia International Campus in Foggia, and he is often invited to take part in panels of national and international contests.  It is part of the network of Italian musicians to volunteer "donors of music"

He plays instruments from the prestigious tradition of builders Hammig of flutes Bohm, whose roots lie in Germany since 1780. From the laboratory of Freiburg founded by Johannes Erhard Hammig in 1952, 'born: in 1985 the "Amade' Mozart" in 1992 and "Bach" both solid gold 14 kt, this tool and the last built by Johannes before his death in 1993, both designed to be a unique piece of art. Since 1996 Bernhard Ludwig Hammig and 'successor in the family workshop and in 2004 he built the first flute in platinum "Paganini" to give the tradition its own voice and its own distinctive character. Farid is the first flautist in the world that sounds entirely all production of the works of Paganini, carrying on her especially modern effects instrument, and virtuosic repertoire descriptive.

Farid is the first flautis in the world that sounds entirely all production of the works of Paganini, carrying on her especially modern effects instrument, and virtuosic repertoire descriptive. He is professor of Flute and of the three-year course for the Postgraduate Diploma in Solo Flute at the A. Boito Conservatory of Parma. Moreover, he has rediscovered the role of Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Sala Baganza.

Punctum ex machina: From 2016 Claudio Ferrarini use the tablet for his concerts worldwide.
The notes remain, but it changes the way you read them: no more sheets of music but a tablet that runs the pages in memory. Luckily no machine could ever play the flute, but in this case the technology comes to the rescue, moving on when it's time (thanks to a pedal) and recording/editing on the all annotations of the performer. It is the choice of Claudio Ferrarini for all future concerts and tour's: using the tablet allows you to never leave the instrument, finding that a more forceful hand gesture and a concentration totally devoted to music, and also ecologically a choice that respects nature saving trees for the production of paper. Lenzuolate on music stands and Barrettes windproof, no thank you! ...

He was born in Zurich, where he started his music studies. He then continued studying music all over Europe, and won scholarships to the Accademia Chigiana of Siena and the Hochschule of Wien. His teachers include Moyse, Gazzelloni, Nicolet, Klemm, Schulz, Vegh, Margola, Karlheniz Stockhausen, Messiaen, Boulez.

In addition to music in every genre, Claudio Ferrarini and 'a fervent and applies the Taoist philosophy and Zen Buddhist, and frugivaro vegan, animal rights convinced for years and a supporter of animal rights Liberation. Among his upcoming projects is writing a novel about the life of Frederick II the Great of Prussia, such as civil commitment is fighting for the removal of architectural barriers in Italy for the disabled. His hobbies, besides reading, painting, among his Hobbies, besides reading, painting and is passionate about cars and motorcycles, owns a BMW motorcycles of 1971 and the BMW 840 Cupè of 1992, and the new Fiat 124 Spider Limited N. 0617 anniversary of 50 years (1996), with which he intends to make all tracks autodromo Heineken F.1 to 90 Km/h - with the hood down and his arm leaning against the door, and the imanccabile CAP, the stereo at full blast with the latest Cd of Brahms ' Sonatas for flute and piano delle Edizioni Limen Music.
